January Birthdays Celebration 2006 
Happy birthday to the January (and late December) crew.
Happy birthday to the January (and late December) crew.

The Lee's.
The Lee's.

Kasper and his Danish bowling technique...or is it a dancing technique?
Kasper and his Danish bowling technique...or is it a dancing technique?


Scott and Julian before rolling strikes...NOT!
Scott and Julian before rolling strikes...NOT!

Paty was robbed (check out the one pin standing in her lane).
Paty was robbed (check out the one pin standing in her lane).


paty and julian, the happy gangsters
paty and julian, the happy gangsters

little does Paty realize that she is saying
little does Paty realize that she is saying "I Love You" in sign language...twice!

Kasper breaking a hundred on his third attempt at bowling...ever.
Kasper breaking a hundred on his third attempt at bowling...ever.

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